Try one of our funny baby names if you need an unusual moniker for your little one. These names would make others wonder about your choices while you and your partner get to giggle around.

The following names are taken from movies, literature, and other daily objects we see. What makes them funny is that they are quite unanticipated to be used as names for children. However, these names have sensible meanings; just their pronunciation and backstories make them funny. Curious about which names made it to the list? Read on to find out.

100 Most Popular And Funny Baby Names:

Here are 100 most popular and funny names for babies of 2020. Some of these names are so funny that you will not believe that they are real. Some names are so ridiculous that even the government authorities banned them. Take a look!

1. Sansa:

Game of Thrones appears to be inspiring many funny sounding baby names. Sansa is one of them.

2. Xzayvian:

Here is another funny name. It looks like the parents were trying to squeeze as many consonants as possible into one name.

3. Sirjames:

It seems that the parents wanted to give a royal title to their baby. They decided to go ahead and combine the first name with the honorific prefix.

4. Audi:

The parents have gifted the name of their favorite car brand to their baby. Is there any better example of brand loyalty?

5. Adeline:

Yes, there is nothing wrong with the feminine name Adeline. But how can anyone name his baby boy Adeline? We can only hope that it was a clerical error.

6. Levaeh:

Lavaeh is a weird variation of the name Nevaeh, which is Heaven spelled backward. But what does Leveah mean? Can anybody make a wild guess?

7. Tokyo:

Brooklyn and Austin are two of the most popular names inspired by places. But there are also some parents who named their son after the cosmopolitan city Tokyo.

8. Pilot Inspektor:

Pilot Inspektor is the child of Jason Lee. Jason Lee is a comic actor who was a part of the first season of the television series 'My Name Is Earl'. Maybe he has lost his comic timing to gift his child this name!

9. Fifi Trixibelle:

The Irish singer Bob Geldof named his daughter Fifi after his aunt. 'Belle' comes from his wife's fixation with the lifestyle of French belles. But why Trixi?

10. Apple:

Apple is the name of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin's daughter. They chose this fruity name because it sounds sweet.

11. Destry:

The name Destry sounds more like Destroy. Isn't it? Destry is the name of Steven Spielberg's son.

12. Ocean:

Here is another funny baby name. Ocean is the name of Forest Whitaker's daughter. We guess he took his love for nature too far!

13. Audio Science:

Now this is one bizarre name that you will hear in a long time. It sounds more like a class at a community college than a baby name.

14. Moon Unit:

The name must have surely cracked you up. Moon Unit is the name of Frank Zappa's child.

15. Moxie Crimefighter:

Moxie Crimefighter is the name of Penn Jillette's child. The theory that Jillette and his wife gave was that people use the middle name rarely, so why not have fun with it.

16. Tu Morrow:

You may have read some downright bizarre names, but this one is different. Tu Morrow is a 'punny' name of Rob Morrow's son.

17. Briar Rose Christensen:

The unusual name of Rachel Bilson's child originates from the 1959 classic 'Sleeping Beauty'. Briar was the name the three fairies gifted to Princess Aurora.

18. Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher:

Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher is Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher's daughter. It is traditionally a boy's name, but who cares about the norm now.

19. Bear Winslet:

Bear is the name of 'Titanic' actress Kate Winslet's son. It is a wild choice!

20. North West:

North West is the name of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's daughter. The name North sounds beautiful, but it turns funny when pronounced together with the surname.

21. Cricket Pearl Silverstein:

Cricket Pearl Silverstein is the son of Busy Philipps and Marc Silverstein. It looks like the parents are fans of the sport.

22. Egypt:

Singer Alicia Keys and her music producer husband call their first child Egypt. Little Egypt will have a tough time explaining his name to everyone he meets.

23. Buddy Bear:

James and Jools Oliver have always been famous for giving quirky names to their children. They call their first son Buddy Bear, continuing the floral theme they started with their daughters.

24. Princess Tiaamii:

Princess Tiaamii is Kati and Peter Andre's daughter. Katie loved the name Princess while Peter wanted to name their daughter after his mother. They merged their respective mother's name Thea and Amy to make Tiaamii.

25. Bluebell Madonna:

Bluebell Madonna is Geri Halliwell's beautiful daughter. Her daughter's middle name is a tribute to pop singer Madonna.

26. Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily:

Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily is the name of the love child of Paula Yates. It is truly a unique name!

27. Sunday Rose:

Nicole Kidman named her daughter Sunday because it's her favorite day.

28. Jermajesty Jackson:

Jermajesty Jackson is the son of Jermaine Jackson and Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza. It seems that Jermaine is fond of the letter 'J'.

29. Satchel Farrow:

Satchel is Woody Allen and Mia Farrow's son. Satchel Page is the inspiration for this name.

30. Kal-El Coppola:

Kal-El Coppola is comic fanatic Nicholas Cage's son. He took his obsession for comics a bit farther than most by giving his son the birth name of Superman.

31. Banjo:

Rachel Griffiths and her artist husband gave their son a musical name Banjo. They named their child after the famous author Banjo A.B. Paterson.

32. Diezel Ky:

Even this one of the most funny boy names you must have ever heard. Toni Braxton is in love with the jeans section in her local store. She named her other boy Denim.

33. Bronx Mowgli Wentz:

Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz named their child after the famous character Mowgli in the 'Jungle Book'.

34. Sparrow James Midnight Madden:

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden wanted their child to share his name with a common garden bird. The parents are nature-lovers for sure!.

35. Cherry Grant:

Unbelievably, 12 people in the world have the name Cherry Grant.

36. Mustard M. Mustard:

Please tell us that the M in this name does not stand for mustard.

37. Facebook:

An Egyptian couple named their daughter Facebook to honor the role of this famous social media platform in the Egyptian Revolution.

38. Hashtag:

An Instagram and Twitter-obsessed couple named their child Hashtag. Don't you think this is downright #crazy?

39. Heather Tina Marie Lawson:

Do you notice something unusual in this name? The acronym of this name would be HTML.

40. Bandit:

Some German parents have named their child Bandit, which means 'robber'.

41. Camera:

Arthur Ashe and Jeanne Moutoussamy Ashe have named their child Camera. We hope the name 'clicks' with their daughter when she grows up.

42. Puma:

Here is another example of brand obsession. Erykah Badu, a renowned American musician, has named her daughter Puma.

43. Seven Sirius:

Erykah Badu has a serious obsession with funny names. He named his son Seven Sirius.

44. India Rose:

Chris Hemsworth has named his daughter India Rose. It would have sounded much better if Chris had named her Indian Rose.

45. Free:

What were Barbara Hershey and David Carradine thinking while naming their child Free?

46. Daisy Boo:

Daisy Boo is the name of Jamie and Jools Oliver's daughter. It indicates their love for Disney characters.

47. Nutella:

No, we are not talking about your kid's favorite bread spread. Nutella is a name that some parents chose for their children.

48. River Rose:

If you are a nature lover, the name might be a good pick for you.

49. Summer Rain:

Summer Rain is the child of Christina Aguilera and Matthew Rutler. Nice choice?

50. Saint Lazslo:

At least Bronx Mowgli will have someone to share his agony with, in this cruel world.

51. Buzz Michelangelo:

Buzz Michelangelo is Tom Fletcher and Giovanna Fletcher' son. Did Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Toy Story inspire the name?

52. Bodhi Ransom:

We may sound old fashioned, but naming your kid Ransom is just not a good idea.

53. Royal Reign:

Now take that, Prince of Cambridge! Royal Reign is Lil' Kim and Papers' son.

54. Titan Jewell:

The name Titan Jewell sounds more like an ornament than a baby name.

55. Megaa Omari Grandberry:

If you want to give a funny name to your child, then this is the way to do it. It is the coolest and funniest name ever.

56. Thinn:

Thinn is an awful, yet funny name. Just never, consider this name for your child.

57. Yoga:

A couple seems to have taken their love for fitness too far!

58. Zealand:

The name Zealand sounds dignified. It could have been much worse like Zeelynnd and Zzealynndanna.

59. Burger:

Yes, Burger is a name and a pretty funny one!

60. Espn:

The name originates from the Sports channel ESPN. The parents of this baby must be die-hard TV buffs.

61. Haven'T:

Don't ever name your child Haven'T.

62. Kix:

The alphabet X is now as overused as the letter Y. You will find many names ending with X, like Kix, Dax, Kax, Pexx, etc.

63. Pawk:

Pawk sounds more like a sound effect than a name.

64. Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116:

A couple in Sweden attempted to name their child Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116. They pronounce the name as Albin, and we don't understand how.

65. Friday:

In Italy, a jury prevented a couple from calling their kid Friday. They thought the name would expose the boy to 'mockery'.

66. Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii:

Why, just why any parent would give this name to their child is beyond our imagination!

67. Fish And Chips:

A couple in New Zealand chose the name Fish and Chips for their twins. The government later banned the name.

68. Bridge:

In Norway, a woman was for jailed for two days for naming her child Bridge.

69. Chow Tow:

Thank goodness, the Malaysian government banned this name. Chow Tow translates to 'Smelly Head'.

70. Grammophon:

Grammophon is another funny sounding name.

71. Mafia No Fear:

Yes, that's a name, and it has left us astounded.

72. 4Real:

Yes, this name is '4Real'.

73. Speedy:

The funny names list would be incomplete without this one.

74. Stompie:

What does Stompie even say about the baby? Weird pick we must say.

75. Matthew Correspondent:

Surprisingly, it is the name of a journalist working for BBC.

76. Joelle Rollo-Koster:

Joelle Rollo-Koster is a name of a lecturer at the University of Rhode Island.

77. Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined:

In Somerset, a teenager named George Garratt changed his name to this. Probably he thought he would turn a superhero overnight!

78. John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood:

In Portsmouth, a supporter of the Portsmouth Football Club changed his name to John Anthony Portsmouth Football Club Westwood.

79. Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisquatsiuth Williams:

This is one of the weirdest and funny girl names for sure! It is the name of a girl in Texas.

80. Toasted Teacake:

The name sounds more like a dish on the breakfast menu!

81. Smellie:

Smellie is not just funny, but an unfortunate baby name.

82. Darriah:

Doesn't this name sound more like diarrhea? Disgusting!

83. Dough:

What could have made the parents name their child Dough? Did the parents expect their child to be fat?

84. Justin Case:

'Just in case' you are wondering, what the name means.

85. Will Power:

Yes, we know you want your child to be righteous and have great self-control. At least do not name him Will Power!

86. Boo Weekley:

Golfers usually have goofy names. Here is one such example.

87. Razor Shines:

Razor Shines is the name of a basketball player. Basketball players often pick up unique and amusing nicknames during their sporting careers.

88. Alucard:

The name sounds scary when you spell it backward.

89. Snape:

There are so many diehard fans of Harry Potter that you are guaranteed to find at least one Ron, Snape or Hermione.

90. Peanut:

People these days just open their fridge and come up with a child's name. After Nutella, Apple and Burger, here is another name inspired by food.

91. Twelve:

When people run out of flower, food and color to inspire their child's name, then numbers are the best bet!

92. Manhattan:

If children can have names like London, Tokyo, and Brooklyn, then why not Manhattan!

93. South:

Since the birth of North West, directional names are now a thing. They are not many options available, so you have to choose between North, South, East, and West.

94. Katniss:

Katniss was one of the main characters in the famous 'The Hunger Games' series. Many movie fans may choose this name for their baby girls.

95. Huckleberry:

The name Huckleberry rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? It is the name of the protagonist in a novel by Mark Twain.

96. @:

Why would any name their child a keyboard symbol? Thankfully, this funny name was banned in China soon after.

97. Blaer:

The name Blaer, which means 'light breeze,' is banned by the government of Iceland to save the child from future embarrassment.

98. Fox India Owen:

Fox India Owen is the name of Mark Owen and Emma Ferguson's son. Don't you think it's a weird name?

99. Blue Ivy:

Beyoncé and Jay-Z had chosen the name for their child. The name spelled backward refers to the daughter of Lucifer!

100. Vodka:

Vodka is clearly not a great name for kids! The parents surely love partying!

We have listed some funny baby names that some people have considered for their children in movies or in real life. However, it is not so cool to plan a goofy name for your child to share a chuckle when you see the birth certificate. A name is a person's first identity that they need to carry throughout their life. Imagine the plight of the child who would have to bear the name and possibly be a subject of laughter and bullying throughout their lives. We suggest you select an exotic name for your baby rather than making a weird choice.

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Arshi Ahmed did her graduation from Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata, and post graduation in English from Lovely Professional University. She specializes in writing baby names articles as she loves to help new parents find a name for their child. Arshi understands how important it is for a parent to find the right name because the name gives the baby an... more